Sunday, 25 September 2011

My banishment

So, we've been spending a lot of time at our school at the moment... Teaching, planning, painting... Yep, we volunteered to repaint the school to make some extra shopping money for LA... Which brings me to my current banishment. Apparently paint and I do not get along. Or rather, we get along a little too well... As I am currently resembling some kind of crazy paint monster. It's not so much that I got a little paint on me, but that it at some point it looks like I rolled around and swam in the paint. Which has led to me sitting on a table, updating my blog while Michael paints. Oops!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The Perfect Day

First, I woke up (very very early), to presents and although you can't see them in this picture, loads of pink and silver balloons!

Then several awesome presents later, (including a gorgeous bag, perfume and books), we caught the coach to Seville...

And it was HOT there!

We wandered around for a bit, exploring and reacquainting ourselves with one of our favourite cities...

Before taking refuge from the heat and ducking into a Starbucks (which I have severely missed), and indulging in grande mocha frappuccinos....

Then we went shopping, and I bought another handful of books and some Starbucks mugs for our apartment... Then we took the train home and watched movies, played games, drank Mojitos and ate nachos and birthday cake, of course!

All in all, it was the best birthday ever! 

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Birthday Countdown!

Oooh it's nearly my birthday! Under a week to go... Does anyone else get this excited about their birthdays still? I'm hoping to spend mine here:

We were originally planning to go to Grenada, but the fact that it's a lot further away, coupled with the fact that we've never been there before, makes me want to return to an old favourite: Seville. I'm not going to lie: I'm also more than a little excited to devour mocha frappuccinos again. Mmm Starbucks, I missed you....

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Siestas and Thunderstorms

We're all moved in to our new apartment now! And besides the fact that it doesn't have a bath (I am heartbroken over this), the rest of the place actually far exceeds our expectations. Like, it has bar stools! I've always wanted an apartment with a breakfast bar and barstools! And I am working on creating my very own writing room... More on this later.

I have also re-experienced two things that I missed last year:

1) Spanish Siestas. Or, more specifically, siestas that last for hours, during which the streets are empty, the parks are empty, and it is the most fun to go shopping in the supermarket.

2) Thunderstorms. Yes, I know technically there are thunderstorms in the UK, but not like this. These are really dramatic storms that appear out of nowhere, flooding the cobbled streets and crash directly above you. So lovely and atmospheric when you're inside watching out the window.


image from here. Yes it's not my thunderstorm, but I like this picture.